VEF Blog

Titre du blog : Diana's Blog
Auteur : DianaHewis
Date de création : 11-06-2010
posté le 11-06-2010 à 04:39:24

Family Business Matters

It was one Sunday morning when I went out to see the business that our family has just recently established. Mom and Dad came up with the idea of putting up a pool supplies store since no one in the town has thought of that business. I was happy to see that a lot of customers are going in and out of the boutique, carrying their plastic bags with the items that they purchased inside. 

I was walking along the hall of the electric-operated equipment to check if the staff was able to make certain pool supplies discount on the selected items for our 2-days sale, when this kid accidentally bumped the pool heater displayed on the deck. I was shocked upon hearing the resounding sound which I thought it came from the outside, not until almost all the sales ladies ran so fast and I found out that the item fell down. 

It was a good thing that the pool heater was not destroyed. A few hair-like scratches only appeared after the incident happened. Few hours after, my mom and brother arrived, fetching me to be home for lunch and so I went home with them. After eating, I surfed the net and checked my social networking accounts.



micka le 11-06-2010 à 16:06:10
welcome to vefblog ! Byyeee ;D
lapinbleu2 le 11-06-2010 à 05:02:55
bienvenue parmi nous et longue vie à ton blog..

bonne journée..

AnNiVeRsAiRe SuR tOn BlOg.... ****

Pour cela, laisse moi ta dàte d'anniversaire, celles de tes enfants, petits enfants, époux, épouse.. Et aussi ta date d'anniversaire de mariage en commentaire sur mon blog.... Tout cela si tu le souhaites bien sùr.. Ce n'est qu'une suggestion.. lolllll..

Je m'occupe du reste.. Hi.. Hi.. Hi.. Tu le regretteras pas.. C'est vraiment marrant.. Et trés convivial..

Je compte sur toi pour faire passer le message si ça te derrange pas.. Et que tes contacts fassent la mème chose s'ils le peuvent....

Voici l'adresse de mon blog :

A diffuser parmi tes contacts, famille, amis et connaissances si tu peux, mème sils n'ont pas de blog.... Ils pourront au moins lire l'histoire du jour pour bien commencer la journée.... Merci !!!! ****